Sunday, July 20, 2014

Michael Miller Challenge Complete!

Finally.....I have finished my entry for the Michael Miller Challenge for the Modern Quilt Guild!  I agonized for a long time about what to do with the fabric that was provided.  I had a plan, then I changed my mind.  With the deadline fast approaching (this Friday), I FINALLY finished!  I am calling this quilt "Splash" and I just love how it turned out.  My only regret is not having enough time to make it bigger, but clearly that was my fault for procrastinating.  I used up all the charcoal fabric that I had and my last minute order for more did not arrive until after I finished....  But, I guess that means there may be a similar quilt in the not so distant future?!



  1. So fun. The dark background really makes the MM fabric pop!

  2. Ooh that is absolutely divine! I love the way the white strips highlight the chevron effect and your MM fabrics strip is gorgeous - great ideas! Well done!

  3. This quilt is really cool! So crisp and hip. Love it. Thanks for sharing!
